The 12th year. The year to become part of the Circle of Fame. And yes, the year, I was the captain. This all bubbled up to 2024.
Would this be our last year? (I’ll tell you next year.) Would it be fun (Yes!) Did I train? Yes, in fact, I signed myself up for the Big Sur marathon that I finished in April. That was a wonderful accomplishment, and I had a lot of great long runs that I enjoyed.

Regardless, we had a lot of great people again to join us for the RTO adventure. We were filled with a bunch of people associated with KPS3 and IGT. We also had Hailey and Carter join us, which was cool. I was really proud of them that they were able to complete it. (RTO is hard!) Jason also bought a giant RV/van that Van 2 was able to use. We were in Van 1, and I really enjoyed Leg 5. In fact, as I was running through Carson Valley, I had to take pictures with the sun coming up and just enjoying my surrounding. Bridget also had the sixth leg, going into Virginia City. This was planned for her last leg to finish up. Also, as luck would have it, I didn’t get passed the last two years. (Yes, that’s a huge amount of luck.) And it was just an easier leg that was a lot of fun to do.

Bridget put together a reel of the past 12 years as a final summation of the RTO. There’s been a lot of wonderful memories, amazing people, and just fun things that happened across the last twelve years. From the entire Gaedtke crew, the Scalas, O.B., the NSET crew (Anya, Meghan, Andy/Erin, Nagisa), The KPS3 crew (Danielle, Ryan, Joe, and others), and many others. Regardless, it was a big, fun moment in our lives on an ongoing basis. So, cheers to the past, cheers to the completion, and we’ll see about the cheers in the future. I don’t know how fun it’d be without Bridget, but… we’ll see.