Five Great Things about 2012
Posted on January 7, 2013, By awalden
Bridget’s pregnant!
Best news ever since 2008. Bridget and I were ecstatic to find out we were becoming parents just a short while ago. This was something that we didn’t know would ever happen to us. We had some interesting medical experiences in between. So, we feel even more lucky. Cheers to exciting 2012, and an even more exciting 2013. |
New Fence(s)
While I was off of work, Bridget kept me busy building a fence with her dad at our house. Within two months, I had the fence setup and stained on the side of the house. Then Bridget’s parents sold their house and were moving in, so Ron and I then put up another fence on the other side a few months later to have a fully gated backyard. It was tough, but we got it done this year. |
Job Changes
Both Bridget and I changed jobs this year. After being laid off from One to One in December 2011, I started working at Noble Studios two months later. It’s been a very exciting year with what we’ve been able to accomplish. Bridget also moved from the Great Basin Institute and moved to the Washoe School District. She’s working in HR, and finally doesn’t have to drive over 200 miles each week to get to work. |
Run, Run, and Run some more
It was a Weaver affair for the Santa Rosa marathon. This was Bridget and my second marathon, and it was a good one. Beforehand, I had told Ron that I would run with him during the race in hopes that I could get him across the finish line to qualify for Boston. While Ron PR’d on the run and got under 4 hours, he unfortunately was three minutes short of qualifying. About a month later, I also decided to run my third marathon at Bizz Johnson. It was an amazing run. This year I also added a 15 mile run across Angel island, a half-marathon in Walnut Creek and Reno, and two McCarran loops. To top everything off, our RTO team finally beat the 24 hour mark. It was a great year for running. |
A Year of Change
A lot of changes were in store this year, and not all positive. I lost two sets of grandparents on my dad’s side. The Weavers sold their house, which was a bittersweet event. A lot of memories, but also their new home will make them happier once they find it. In the meantime, they ended up moving with Bridget and me. Jason moved to Amsterdam, and we saw him for the first time in almost a year in Phoenix. Erin, Meghan, and Anya moved to various parts of the country. We put in a few great trips again to California, Arizona, and Nevada’s Outback. And luckily, we’re all still here despite what any Mayan zombie might say. |