The Adventures of Us
Enjoy our adventures below as we try to balance our lives between work, two kids, and ... relaxation.

Audiobooks: 2021 Review

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do Easwaran’s Gandhi’s Story

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Book Review – Dare to Lead

Our KPS3 leadership team took this on to help us improve. So, I started reading it, and it had some really salient points. The idea is how vulnerable leaders are the best and most courageous. It was well written, and some of the…

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Five Great Work Things from 2020

Year 2, moving on to Year 3. It was the first full year as VP of Marketing at KPS3. We had a lot of fun. And just like everyone across the world, work changed.  Here were the highlights: New Role This year was…

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Five Great Things from 2020

This year brought a lot of reflection and humbleness. It was a year of great change with the pandemic, social injustice, wildfires, and many other things among the introspection. The hardest personal part was having this gap year – it’s a gap year…

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Audiobooks: 2020 Review

The Untethered Soul The Untethered Soul helps guide people through spirituality to understand the insignificance of emotions, of that inner voice to help guide to the decision of happiness. Events are constantly swirling around our world, whether we’re in the world or not,…

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Five Great Things from 2019

2019 brought us a lot of great change and joy. There were so many things that were appreciative that we were able to experience. Here’s our 2019 milestones: We’re Going to Disneyland I could have never anticipated how magical Disneyland truly is. It…

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Five Great Work Things from 2019

My first year at KPS3 we did some really notable work. Here were the highlights: Visit Carson City This has been a great client that I’ve been involved with from tip to toe. We started with both RFPs, after being selected we’ve been…

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Book Review – Radical Candor

I picked this book up after hearing my wife and sister-in-law discuss it. I was interested. And it’s one of the best management books I’ve read. Here’s what I learned: At Apple we hire people to tell us what to do. Not the…

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Audiobook: 2019 Review

Born to Run This was a great book to listen to while running. I really enjoyed it and it was hard to go slow and not push myself while listening to these great stories. Mainly the author kept running into issues while he…

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Book Review – Fierce Conversations

This book came as a casual conversation around the office that was recommended from Rob to one of my employees. I decided to also pick this up as well:  Relationships are built and sustained one conversation at a time.  We behave emotionally first,…

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A blog that's dedicated towards online marketing, sustainability, and, well, life as we know it.