After our hike, we stayed in Aguas Calientes for the night. The city resides below Machu Picchu and is surrounded by giant mountain tops. The river runs through the town, and as soon as we got off the bus from Machu Picchu, we…

3:30am. We woke up and then quickly ate cake and hot chocolate. (Meanwhile the porters were packing up getting ready for their next trek.) We then quickly ran to the gate and waited for the gates to open up. Finally around 5am, we…
We were able to sleep in a little bit. At 6:30, we woke up and got ready for Happy Day! The night was the coldest so far, so we were a little slower to crawl out of our tents. Today’s hike was rolling…
5am. Up and at ’em. The porters come by to wake you up with some coca tea ready to go. We got dressed and then enjoyed some delicious porridge and pancakes. And so it began. We walked step-by-step through the cloud forest and…
Our journey begins with a knock at the door. “You guys up?” The answer was “no,” but really what came out was, “SHIT!” The alarm didn’t go off at 3:30am as planned. Jason, Bridget, and I quickly grabbed our things and ran to…
Today’s adventure took us through the ruins that were located closer to the city. We started the morning with a quick breakfast of a hard boiled egg, toast, and some cocoa tea, and then left to meet our guide. We first stopped by…
Today’s adventure included a tour of Incan ruins on the outskirts of Cusco. We got picked up at 7:30am and began our trip. We traveled upwards to see the entire view of Cusco. At one point the city was laid out to look…
We arrived in Cuzco! After leaving Reno at 7am on Saturday, stopped in Dallas for a 4 hour layover, then went on to Miami for another 4 hour layover, and to Lima for 3 more hours of waiting, we finally arrived in Cusco…
Recently I signed up Bridget and me for golf lessons at Wildcreek. I was tired of always beating Bridget in miniature golf, so I figured this might level the playing field. City of Sparks offers a pretty sweet deal for six lessons for…
Bridget signed us up for the Rock ‘n River at the beginning in the year. Bridget’s knee still hasn’t been cooperating lately: she still hasn’t been able to run over three miles without pain since the Chico Half. Even if her knee was…