When we arrived at the JFK airport in New York, five women were dressed in their burqa, the traditional black dress covering the entire body and face of a woman, with only the eyes showing. Jason called it the ninja wear. And as…

The Big Apple. Wall street. The Empire State Building. New York has much to see and luckily our travels to the great pyramids didn’t begin until Tuesday, so our group – Rob, Shayna, Chris, Ron, Jason, Lisa – decided to head out a…
When someone says they are a salesman, what do you think? Do you envision a church goer who can do no wrong? No. I’d say the majority of people have a negative perception. We always base the worst case example to symbolize the…
For some unknown reason, my brother Jason decided to grown catnip in his garden this year. I was over there just the other day when he was winterizing it and I asked what one of the plants was. He cut off a couple…
Worm Compost Surprises
Every Halloween I wait until last minute to come up with a costume idea. I always get these great ideas on Halloween night, but can never remember them by the time Halloween comes around again. This year I wanted to plan more ahead…
Bridget, Lisa, Weavers, Gaedtkes, and I are getting ready for our trip to Egypt in the next few weeks. I can’t wait, but I also wanted to get a better sense of Egyptian history. When we went to Peru earlier in the year,…
Come one, Come all. Welcome to the 2nd (bi)Annual Northwest House Crawl This past Friday we got back on track and had our second house crawl. We had our first crawl in 2008 in late December. We even had an ugly sweater theme…
As the summer comes to a close so does our garden. It got off to a good start with the indoor greenhouse even though the seeds got mixed up (bad kitties). There were a few things that I started noticing last year that…
I’ve been keeping in shape at the gym and run our “loop” around the block. I had my mind on a few races that were coming up. With no real goal in mind, I decided that I should sign up for these. I’ve…