Over the past few months, I’ve been reading this book to get a few tips on how to become a better story teller. Little did I know I’d also find out how to become a more engaging storyteller. Here’s some of the cool…

I just finished, Drive, a book that discusses the theory of movivation. This topic is of interest to me, so the pages essentially turned themselves. I also was able to connect some principles that I recently learned from a Netflix documentary, Happy. The…
Here’s an article I recently wrote for Noble. (It’s not published just yet, but here we go…) 2012 was a year full of infographics, HTML5, and Facebook Apps. As we storm into 2013, there are a lot of exciting new trends on the…
At our office, we decided to read this book as an account team. It was highly recommended by our boss to help better provide better solutions and services to our clients. Essentially, the book helps us listen. Here’s the highlights of how to…
I started a new job with Noble Studios at the beginning of February. Since then, we’ve been able to accomplish some amazing things: ASICS On-Premise Marketing This was an on-premise Facebook app, which turned out to be a great multi-channel experience. A person…
Bridget’s pregnant! Best news ever since 2008. Bridget and I were ecstatic to find out we were becoming parents just a short while ago. This was something that we didn’t know would ever happen to us. We had some interesting medical experiences in…
We had aimed to finally break the 24 hour mark. Last year we had come 12 minutes short in our goal, so we were focused to get it done this year. And, we added TJ to the mix. This year I was uhmmm……
Last year Bridget, Lisa, and I decided to travel eastward down Highway 50. However, this Memorial day we decided to go a bit more north and discover i80 East. Day 1 Gerlach – We decided to first head over to Gerlach to explore…
John Wooden was basketball coach who coached 10 teams to national championships: Even a stubborn mule responds to gentleness Role model is the most powerful form of education Make each day your masterpiece Make friendship a fine art Build a shelter against a…
Viktor Frankl was a psychologist who experienced years within a concentration camp. This was my first book seeing the nightmare of concentration camps. Men would be stripped of their clothes, their hair shaved, their families taken away, their life work burned to the…